Overtired vs Undertired: Understanding Baby Sleep Cues

As a parent, understanding your baby’s sleep cues can be challenging. Are they sleeping enough? Are they sleeping too much? Understanding the difference between an overtired and undertired baby is crucial for establishing a healthy sleep routine. Let’s explore these concepts, their signs, causes and effective strategies to manage them.   What Does “Overtired” Mean?…


5 Baby Sleep Myths Busted

Entering the world of parenthood can feel like navigating a sea of conflicting advice, especially when it comes to your baby’s sleep. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I’ve seen firsthand the myths and misconceptions that can overwhelm new parents. In this blog, I’m here to debunk some of the most common myths and provide clarity…


Navigating Night Wakings

As a parent, the mystery of night wakings can be perplexing. Is it a regression? Hunger? Or perhaps a developmental milestone? The truth is, it could be any of these factors, or even a combination of them. Baby’s sleep journey is complex, influenced by numerous variables, and understanding these nuances is key to helping your…
