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Tips for Establishing a Newborn Sleep Routine

Establishing a Newborn Sleep Routine

As a baby sleep consultant, I understand how challenging it can be to establish a sleep routine for your newborn. A consistent sleep routine is crucial for your baby’s development and for your own well-being. Here are some practical tips to help you create a soothing and effective sleep routine for your newborn. 

The Benefits of Sleep for Both Baby and Parents: Celebrating International Self-Care Day

The Benefits of Sleep for Both Baby and Parents

Today, July 24th, we celebrate International Self-Care Day- a perfect opportunity to talk about the vital role of sleep in self-care for both you and your baby. As a baby sleep consultant, I often emphasize how crucial sleep is not just for little ones, but for parents too. Let’s talk about the benefits of sleep and why it’s such an essential component of self-care.

3-Month-Old Only Contact Naps? Here’s What to Do

3-Month-Old Only Contact Naps

Contact naps can be a comforting and bonding experience for both you and your baby. However, as your baby grows, it is more beneficial to help them transition from contact napping to independent crib napping. If your 3-month-old naps on you, don’t worry! Here are some practical strategies to break the contact nap habit and foster better sleep habits for your little one. 

Sleep Training While Room Sharing: Tips for Success

Sleep Training While Room Sharing

Sleep training can be a challenging yet rewarding journey for families. When you share a room with your baby, it adds another layer of complexity to the process. However, with the right strategies and consistency, you can successfully sleep train your baby while still sharing a room. Let’s explore the benefits, challenges, and effective tips for sleep training while room sharing to help your family achieve better sleep.

Overtired vs Undertired: Understanding Baby Sleep Cues

Overtired vs Undertired

As a parent, understanding your baby’s sleep cues can be challenging. Are they sleeping enough? Are they sleeping too much? Understanding the difference between an overtired and undertired baby is crucial for establishing a healthy sleep routine. Let’s explore these concepts, their signs, causes and effective strategies to manage them.

5 Baby Sleep Myths Busted

5 Baby Sleep Myths

Entering the world of parenthood can feel like navigating a sea of conflicting advice, especially when it comes to your baby’s sleep. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I’ve seen firsthand the myths and misconceptions that can overwhelm new parents. In this blog, I’m here to debunk some of the most common myths and provide clarity on baby sleep.

Navigating Night Wakings

Navigating Night Wakings

As a parent, the mystery of night wakings can be perplexing. Is it a regression? Hunger? Or perhaps a developmental milestone? The truth is, it could be any of these factors, or even a combination of them. Baby’s sleep journey is complex, influenced by numerous variables, and understanding these nuances is key to helping your little one achieve restful nights.

Strategies for Parents Facing Separation Anxiety

Strategies for Parents Facing Separation Anxiety

As a sleep consultant, I often witness parents grappling with feelings of guilt and self-doubt, especially when faced with the challenges of a baby not sleeping well. One significant contributor to this parenting rollercoaster is separation anxiety, that phase when a child seems to lose their cool whenever Mom isn’t around. The internal monologue of a child during this time might sound like, “Mommy’s not in the room. Therefore, Mommy is somewhere else. I would prefer to be there with her. Make that happen, or mark my words, I shall raise the most unimaginable of ruckuses.”

Mastering Naps: A Parent’s Guide

Mastering Naps: A Parent’s Guide

Hey there, tired parents! If you’ve found your way to this blog, chances are you’re in the trenches of parenthood, grappling with the challenge of getting your little one to enjoy those much-needed naps. But fear not, I’m here to shed some light on the mysteries of baby napping and turn those short siestas into peaceful, rejuvenating moments for both you and your baby.

Are Sleep Regressions Real?

Are Sleep Regressions Real?

Welcome to the unpredictable journey of parenting, where just when you think you’ve mastered the art of your baby’s sleep, along comes what is often described as the ominous “sleep regression.” But are these regressions real, or just a shared parental nightmare? Let’s delve into the mysteries surrounding sleep regressions.