Does it feel like you just put your baby down for a nap, only to hear them waking up again 20 minutes later? You’re not alone! Many parents find that around the 3-month mark, their little ones suddenly start taking super short naps—leaving you wondering, what just happened to those longer stretches?
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At this age, short naps are completely normal (even though they can be frustrating), and there are ways to help your baby start taking longer, more restful naps. Let’s break it down and look at why this happens and what you can do about it.
Why Do 3 Month Olds Take Short Naps?
Around the 3-month mark, your baby’s sleep is going through some big changes. Up until now, they’ve spent most of their time in a newborn sleep state, which is very different from adult sleep. But by 3 months, their sleep cycles start to mature, leading to shorter naps.
Here’s why:
- Sleep Cycles Are Maturing: At 3 months, babies begin to transition through sleep cycles more like adults—alternating between light and deep sleep. But since their cycles are still developing, it’s not uncommon for babies to wake up after just one 30-45 minute cycle.
- Daytime Stimulation: As your baby becomes more aware of the world, they may struggle to connect those sleep cycles because there’s so much exciting stuff to see and do!
- Overtiredness: An overtired baby has a harder time falling into and staying in a deep sleep. At this age, babies still need a lot of daytime sleep, and missing those sleepy cues can lead to short, restless naps.
How to Help Your 3 Month Old Nap Longer
While short naps are common at this age, there are a few things you can do to help your baby stretch out their sleep and start getting those longer naps we all dream of!
1. Adjust the Wake Windows
At 3 months, your baby’s wake windows are still short—around 90 minutes. Keeping an eye on those windows and putting your baby down before they get overtired is key to helping them nap longer. Look for sleepy cues like yawning, rubbing eyes, or zoning out.
2. Create a Calming Pre-Nap Routine
Just like bedtime, a mini nap routine (10-15 minutes) can help signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep. Keep it simple—a quick cuddle, a dark room, some white noise—and your baby will start to associate these cues with naptime.
3. Help Them Connect Sleep Cycles
If your baby wakes up after one short cycle, try giving them a few minutes to settle back to sleep. Sometimes they just need a little time to learn how to connect those cycles.
4. Swaddle or Use a Sleep Sack
At 3 months, many babies still enjoy the snug, secure feeling of a swaddle. A swaddle or sleep sack can help them feel cozy and safe, which can extend their naps. Just be sure to stop swaddling once they show signs of rolling.
Short naps are a normal part of your 3-month-old’s development, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to deal with! By understanding why your baby is napping this way and making small adjustments to their schedule and routine, you can help encourage longer, more restful naps.
If short naps are still throwing off your routine or you need some personalized advice, I’m here to help! Let’s work together to get your baby on track for better naps—and more peaceful days for the whole family.