What Are Sleep Regressions and How to Manage Them

Just when you think you’ve finally got your baby’s sleep routine figured out, they suddenly start waking up more often, refusing naps, or having a hard time settling at bedtime. Sound familiar? You may be dealing with a sleep regression.
3 Month Old Short Naps

Does it feel like you just put your baby down for a nap, only to hear them waking up again 20 minutes later? You’re not alone! Many parents find that around the 3-month mark, their little ones suddenly start taking super short naps—leaving you wondering, what just happened to those longer stretches?
How to Break Contact Naps

We’ve all been there. You finally get your baby down for a nap, only to find yourself trapped on the couch, staring at your coffee growing cold across the room because, heaven forbid, you move and wake the baby! Contact naps can be sweet, snuggly moments that create a bond with your little one, but they can also make it tough to get anything done—or to catch a much-needed break yourself.
How to Stop False Starts at Bedtime

You’ve spent the evening soothing your baby, following the perfect bedtime routine, and finally, they’re asleep. But just 30 minutes later, they’re awake again—what gives? This frustrating scenario is known as a “false start” at bedtime, and it can throw off your whole night.
Why Safe Sleep Matters: Creating a Secure Sleep Environment for Your Baby

As a parent, one of your top priorities is keeping your baby safe, and that includes during sleep. While it may seem simple, ensuring a safe sleep environment is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your child. Not only does it provide peace of mind, but it also plays a critical role in reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related accidents.